Do You Need A Fabric-Upholstered Bedhead?

When you bought your first bed, you probably thought a bedhead would be going over the top. These structures typically came with a high price tag! In recent years, though, bedheads have become increasingly affordable, and now more and more homeowners can incorporate them into their bedrooms.

So if you are in the process of buying a new bed, you may be wondering if you should go with the bedhead or if you will be splurging on something unnecessary. The truth is that bedheads are not merely an accessory, but they are highly functional and will transform your bedroom. Below are just two compelling reasons why you need a fabric-upholstered bedhead.

A fabric-upholstered bedhead keeps your walls pristine

Not many people think of the damage that the wall directly behind their bed acquired over time. So you may be surprised to learn that there are multiple ways that your bedhead protects this wall once you invest in one for your bed. Firstly, all the sweat you produce through the night will not be transferred to the wall, more so if you tend to sleep right at the head of your bed. When you get up in the middle of the night or morning and touch the wall, the perspiration and oils from your fingers are transferred to the wall.

Secondly, if you have an active sex life, the bedhead prevents the bed from hitting against the wall and subsequently keeps the wall free from undue damage. So if you want to keep the wall behind your bed in as great condition as the rest of the walls in your room, a bedhead is a necessity for you.

A fabric-upholstered bedhead makes reading and watching TV more comfortable

If you are an avid reader or someone who likes to relax with a bit of television before they sleep, then a fabric-upholstered bedhead will be the perfect addition for your bed. Fabric-upholstered bedheads differ from other headboards since they are plush. Therefore, you already have cushioning for your back and probably only need a pillow to support your neck while you read or watch TV.

Additionally, since the headboard will complement the pillow you sleep on, you are at less risk of waking up with back or neck pains. Lastly, a fabric-upholstered bedhead makes those lazy weekend mornings even better since you can comfortably have breakfast in bed without having to prop yourself up among a sea of pillows!

About Me

Renovating Your Kitchen On A Budget

Renovating a house is such a fun experience, especially when you take a very outdated room and modernise it. When I bought my first house, the kitchen was so retro '70s that I got a headache every time I walked in. Because it was my first home, I had to renovate on a budget, and now that the task is complete, I've started this blog to share my experience. My blog posts cover everything from buying kitchen hardware at sale prices to ways you can update the look without spending a fortune. I hope that my blog posts will enable you to make the renovations you need without spending a fortune.




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