Tests That Your Security Door May Undergo

When installing a security door, you can relax knowing that Australian standards govern their construction and installation. After manufacture these doors need to pass an array of tests that check their performance. Here are several of them.

The Dynamic Impact Test

This test simulates an attempted break-in and checks that the security door can withstand repeated kicks, charges or hits that a would-be intruder might inflict. In the testing environment, a substantial pendulum weight is set up to swing hard against the door. To pass, the door must have the strength to withstand five blows from this heavy-weight pendulum.

The Jemmy Test

If they can't break a door down, home intruders might try to prise the door open, by wedging a tool like a screwdriver between the security door lock and the door frame, and other fastening points such as hinges. To reproduce this scenario, testers insert a screwdriver between the door and its frame, and a mechanical winch attempts to jimmy the door open. To achieve a pass mark, the door must remain securely fastened and not have a gap of more than 15cm.

The Pull Test

This test duplicates a situation whereby an intruder attempts to pull on the security door after they have successfully prised open a gap. However, if the jemmy test has not created an opening, there is nowhere to hold on to and pull. In these cases, the door automatically passes the pull test also. When carried out, though, the pull test involves the use of a bracket to simulate a pulling action.

The Knife Shear Test

Home invaders might try to get past a security door by slashing the mesh with a knife. The knife shear test attempts to reproduce that particular scenario. After mounting a screen in a horizontal frame, testers set up a mechanical arm that drags a heavy-duty knife across the mesh with great force. After three attempts along the same line, with a new blade each time, for the mesh to pass, it must not have suffered a continuous incision of more than 150mm. 

Other Tests 

Security doors not only protect from intruders, but they can also shield your home from forces of nature. If you live in areas that are subject to bushfires or cyclones, you could consider models that pass additional tests relating to these conditions. Some flyscreens that pass bushfire regulations can be resistant to burning and help to protect your home. Other doors undergo testing for cyclones, offering additional stability in the face of intense storms and winds.

About Me

Renovating Your Kitchen On A Budget

Renovating a house is such a fun experience, especially when you take a very outdated room and modernise it. When I bought my first house, the kitchen was so retro '70s that I got a headache every time I walked in. Because it was my first home, I had to renovate on a budget, and now that the task is complete, I've started this blog to share my experience. My blog posts cover everything from buying kitchen hardware at sale prices to ways you can update the look without spending a fortune. I hope that my blog posts will enable you to make the renovations you need without spending a fortune.




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